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Ask the expert - Holly Neal

Ask The Expert – Which models do you use for conversion rate optimisation?

Holly Neal
Which models do you use for conversion rate optimisation?

When we look at measuring the success of a test this can vary from client to client. For eCommerce clients, we look at average order value or revenue per user while for lead generation it’s often conversion rate.

However, success can depend on the size of the website we’re testing and how big the testing program is. We’ve seen big wins at earlier stages and more marginal gains as we’ve continued iteratively testing within a similar area.

In the long run, conversion programs see big returns and help prevent negative performance by removing biases. During remote user testing for an e-commerce client, our findings show that users would prefer the price to be displayed on a particular product listing page however results from multivariate testing displayed a drop in conversion rate by showing the price on that specific page. By testing, we were able to prevent the negative impact of implementing the changes directly onto the site.

Is testing a solid part of your plan when improving CRO?

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