  1. What we do
  2. Acquisition
  3. Paid Search & Shopping

Paid Search & Shopping.

Is your objective to make more money and grow your business? Our PPC advertising, Google Ads services and Shopping will get you there - and quickly - with a great ROAS.

What we see

The success of Paid Search and Shopping accounts relies upon a disciplined account structure and aggressive tactics. Quality Scores need to be impeccable. Under-performing keywords need to be culled. Too many Paid Search and Shopping accounts are badly organised, leading to waste and lacklustre performance. And too many landing pages aren’t optimised for maximum conversions, leading to missed opportunities and poor returns.

What we do

Together, we’ll build campaigns founded in our knowledge of what will get an effective response. We have a keen understanding of what works, what doesn’t, what gives fast intel and quick wins, and what’s good for the long-term.  You know your likely customers – we’ll use this to target them keywords and audience matching for them to engage with your brand. And by managing your accounts optimally, we’ll make sure every penny is an investment.

Start the conversation today
Ask us about how we can optimise your revenue with Acquisition Marketing.

PPC consultants – a Google Ads Services Partner

We’re a Google Partner and we work with their philosophy, rather than trying to game it.  Our approach means you can own your space and attract qualified traffic, while lowering your CPL and CPC; it provides the right conditions for growing and scaling your business. Our account management includes performance optimisation, ad copy testing, landing page testing, strategy and transparent reporting. We deep-dive into your business and put your critical insights to work with strategies we know, from experience, will get great results. We insist on relevance; we have to reach the right people with the right message in the right context to achieve results.

Collaborative working

You’ll be involved and informed the whole time. This includes having easy access to your most up-to-date data at all times, and critical insights from our monthly reports and during our regular scheduled calls and meetings.

Service guarantee

We pride ourselves on high levels of service with good communication and complete transparency – see our service agreement.

“Door4’s proactive approach to the problem was just what we needed. They saw immediately what was holding us back regarding the technical implementation of our Google Shopping data feed. Once this was fixed, we started to see very positive results across all channels and the business as a whole.”
Catherine Mallord, Marketing Director
Additional Acquisition Services
Acquisition Case Studies

Connect with your target customers using a strategy that maximises the power of your data.

Our marketing strategies drive relevant traffic to your website, utilising key data to carry on hitting your KPIs. We measure success through brand awareness, traffic levels, ad interactions, social engagement and impressions.


Paid Search & Shopping.

Is your objective to make more money and grow your business? Our PPC advertising, Google Ads services and Shopping will get you there - and quickly - with a great ROAS.