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Ask The Expert – Do You Really Need Third-Party Tools for Google Ads Campaigns?

Tom Morton

Do You Really Need Third-Party Tools for Google Ads Campaigns?


The answer is… No, you don’t need third-party tools to run Google Ads campaigns, however, if you’re putting a lot of media through Google Ads I recommend using a few of them.

So, for example, if you’re using shopping I would recommend having some form of feed Inventory management system, it helps a lot with the maintenance of that.
If you use a lot of display creative I’d recommend some AI ads, what you could do there is see what the best-performing ad is, what the best CTR is, and what are the best sizes, then make your decisions from that.

I’d also recommend some click fraud prevention tools if you’re spending quite a lot of money, that’ll refund a lot of the misclicks that you might get on the account.

As a general rule of thumb the more money you spend on Google Ads the more need you will have for third-party tools, but if you’re spending less than ten thousand pounds a month I wouldn’t necessarily recommend these tools at all.

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