  1. Scrapbook
  2. Marketing in Adversity survey 2020
Door4 MIA report 2020

Marketing in Adversity survey 2020

Enter our £100 draw. We’ll donate to charity and send you the report.

We’re asking for five minutes of your time to share with us what your business did during the COVID-19 lockdown of 2020, digital marketing-wise.

The results will be used to produce a free-to-access ‘marketing in adversity’ report you can refer to the next time we find ourselves in an economically adverse situation. We’ll pop it in an email for you.


The big questions

We’re simply asking decision-makers to share what worked and what didn’t. From this, we’ll publish a report that businesses can learn from. Because economic adversity comes in many shapes and forms – but it always comes back. Let’s all be better prepared next time. So, we’re asking things like:

  • How useful were your marketing channels, like Paid Search and Paid Social?
  • Did you use the time to polish up other strategies like SEO?
  • In retrospect, what would you do differently?

You can be completely honest. Your responses will be anonymous, even if we publish excerpts and even if you sign up for the prize draw. Here’s our privacy statement.

More about the prize draw

You can complete the survey and run, or you can enter our £100 gift card prize draw, which will take place on Tuesday 1 September. The winner randomly chosen from the hat (or box) will have a choice of e-gift cards from

Plus, for every survey that is completed, we will donate £1 to Pendleside Hospice to a maximum of 500 completions. If we hit 501 completed surveys, we will double our donation. See the draw terms and conditions for more info.

What’s in this for Door4?

We want to produce useful content that helps businesses thrive. We like getting our teeth into data – and this survey will give us some great insight that we can pass on.

The survey is now closed – read one of our other articles instead!


Photo by Lisa Bresler on Unsplash

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