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Ask The Expert – Are Google getting rid of keyword match types?

Tom Morton
Are Google getting rid of keyword match types?

Is Google getting rid of keyword match types? yes, unfortunately, it looks like it is coming. Currently, it’s in beta, most advertisers probably will not be aware of this but if you’re looking on Twitter and LinkedIn and you might see some rumblings about it.

If something is in beta now, generally what it means is we’ll probably see it rolled out either next year or even the year after that, we see a lot of it with Performance Max, with the removal of match types like broad match modify which a lot of us relied on.
We have also seen it with Smart Shopping and other campaigns similar to that, so naturally, it’s just a progression of where Google wants this to be.

It’s kind of like a black box automation style over this; it doesn’t mean it’s all bad. While you might have less control, you need to focus more on the contextual. If you can imagine a Facebook campaign where you’ve got a little bit less control than you might have with Google ads you need to look more into your audiences and understanding the pain points and the contextualization of it.

You need to trust in the algorithm a little bit more, and even though you might not like it you need to focus more on your audiences and less on the keyword match types.


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