  1. Scrapbook
  2. Mug shot – Keeley Davies, PPC Lead
Keeley Davies PPC Lead at Door4

Mug shot – Keeley Davies, PPC Lead

The Door4 Mug shot interviews – as much as you can find out about us in the time it takes to drink a brew. 

Name: Keeley Davies
Role: PPC Lead
Started at Door4: The first time or the second time?

Let’s start with the first time!
I started at Door4 in June 2019 up until June 2021, before switching to a client-side role. I was working remotely and ended up travelling a lot – I spent this last summer working in Barcelona!
I returned to Door4 in September 2023 – I’m happy to be back, I loved working here!

Has much changed during the 2 years you were away?
Some things are the same, and some things are different! A bunch of new faces, but it feels very much the same.

Want a brew? How do you take it?
Coffee, 2! However, my preference would be coffee, oat milk and sugar-free caramel syrup.

What do you do at Door4?
I’m here to offer support to the growing PPC team and pass on my knowledge to them (everything that I’ve learnt comes from our MD Sean). I’m looking at the bigger picture for the department, and how we can blend with other departments more to improve our services and performance.

How do you see your role at Door4 developing in the future?
I’ll let you know!

What’s the best thing about working at Door4?
I think it would be the mix of personalities, everyone’s really different and has their own little quirks.

Complete this sentence: ‘In another life. I’d have been a …’
A shark. That’s the first thing that came into my head!
I’ve been watching a lot of shark documentaries recently, they’re misunderstood! I could talk about sharks all day.

If you were given tomorrow off work, what would you do for the day?
I’m quite boring, so probably walk the dog and go to the gym. But then on the opposite end of the spectrum, I’d look to book a last-minute flight somewhere.

For just a day? Where would you go?
I’ve been to Hamburg for one day! It was about £30 all in.

Name one thing you’re not very good at outside of the office
Singing. I sing, but I’m dreadful.

What about one thing you’re good at outside of the office?
The Gym! That’s where I’m most confident

What would the title of your autobiography be?
Good question.

What would be your boxing ring walk song if you were a famous boxer?
Demi Lovato – Confident and Britney Spears – Work Bitch.

At Door4, whose job would you be most scared of doing – why?
Either a Developer or Sean’s job.
Or, Teresa, handling all the finances!

Finally, tell us a (clean!) joke
This actually got me the job way back when! …

Knock knock
Who’s there?
A broken pencil
A broken pencil who?
Never mind, it’s pointless.

Sean asked me to tell a joke in my interview after I said that I was witty, and then he later said that’s what got me the job … not my experience!?


Thanks, Keeley!

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