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  2. Granting access to Google Analytics

Granting access to Google Analytics

How to grant Door4 access to your Google Analytics profiles

Follow our step-by-step guide to grant Door4 access to your GA profile.  Note, if you have not done this before (with an agency or individual) – you can remove this access at any time.

1.Navigate to your Google Analytics account and log in

You need to have administrative access to your profiles – visit

2. Click admin in the bottom left hand corner

Click Admin

3. Select “Account User Management” to share all of your property (website) Analytics with Door4 (ideal) – or “Property User Management” if you know exactly which profiles we need to see.

Select property

4. Click the + in the top right hand corner – then click Add users

Click add, and add users

5. Enter “[email protected]” – into the email address (note don’t copy/paste from this blog – type it in.)


6. Select ‘Notify new users by email’ to make sure that we know when we have access to the Analytics account.

7. Select the permission level you would like Door4 to have.

  • If Door4 are actively managing campaigns, this should be “Edit.”
  • If Door4 are preparing a performance review (prior to being appointed), this should be “Read & Analyse.”

Select permission levels

8. Finally, click ‘Add’ at the top right, to complete the process.  Click add

That’s it, you’re done!

If you have any difficulties, please let us know.

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