Decoding Digital: Chloe Sinclair
The next Door4 Decoding Digital event; ‘A Wealth of Experience’ is fast approaching (28 January – find out more or register here).
We took time to talk to one of our featured speakers, Chloe Sinclair – UX specialist and head of retail, travel, hospitality and logistics at UserZoom.
Hi Chloe, thanks for agreeing to take part in January’s Decoding Digital event – for those not familiar with your work, could you tell us about what you do?
I work with clients to improve their user experience/customer journeys via UX testing. We can either conduct the research for them, applying the user testing tools we’ve developed in house, or we can provide the technology and expert guidance on how to use it.
And is user experience a big growth area at the moment?
Yes, digital customer journeys have become a more important part of product roadmaps, which is the natural progression of technology – but also a reflection of the times we’re in, with more customers looking to make purchases or achieve goals online.
Presumably your UX experience pre-dates the pandemic though?
Well, before joining UserZoom, my background was digital customer journeys and best practice. But what I do now gives the opportunity to go beyond that, by measuring users behaviours and emotions.
How hard is it to quantify the feelings of users?
There are two main ways; the first being ‘qualitative research’ – which means recording and investigating people’s thoughts, words and reactions while they progress along a particular journey. The second is ‘quantitative’ – meaning using a more task based approach to gather data.
We work with some very smart people, qualified in things like psychology and neurolinguistics, which enables us to interpret the results of UX testing and give suitable recommendations.
What sort of things might they be?
It could be anything from a straightforward change of look and feel, to a complete redesign of a process or even a new product. Whatever the recommendations are, it’s important they’re based on the evidence from testing, not just assumptions of what customers require.
Do you do many industry events like this one?
I was actually due to speak at a previous Door4 event, pretty much the day before we went into the very first lockdown a couple of years ago. Since starting in my current role, I’m more likely to be involved in consultancy based discussions than presentations but I’ve definitely got some interesting things to talk about.
Without giving too much away, what sort of things?
An overview of the criteria for UX testing and some of the specifics, such as how we benchmark, what and how we measure, key metrics, return-on-investment and so on.
What sort of professional would find your presentation beneficial?
Anyone involved in digital marketing, aesthetics, research, development – or anyone who has an interest in user experience and customer journeys. The key takeaway will be the importance of testing – no matter what size your business, how complex your roadmap, or the number of features included.
So a lot of businesses still don’t understand the importance of testing?
A lot don’t – so many products are launched that don’t work, simply because the required testing and feedback hasn’t happened. Which means that the product roadmap is developed with little or no knowledge of what customers want or need, other than someone’s hunch or best guess.
And so much of that risk and cost can be avoided simply by testing, in the right areas, using the right metrics to gain the right conclusions.
Thanks Chloe!
Our next Decoding Digital event is on Friday 28th January at 10:00pm. Book your FREE space today to learn more.
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