  1. Scrapbook
  2. Mug shot: William Sharp, account manager
William Sharp and his dog

Mug shot: William Sharp, account manager

The Door4 Mug shot interviews – as much as you can find out about us in the time it takes to drink a brew.


William Sharp


Account manager

Started at Door4

About three-and-a-half years ago

What do the letters after your name mean? 

BA Hons English with creative writing

Want a brew? 

Yes please, I’ll have English breakfast tea, strong as hell, with one sweetener – I’ve recently switched from sugar.

What do you do at Door4? 

Acting as the filter between clients and the operational side of the business, managing requests to ensure they’re briefed in correctly to the right team. 

There’s some crossover with project management as well – and on the proactive side, it’s more about identifying opportunities for clients and recommending services that will help them grow and improve.

Now describe your role in three words

Keeping people happy.

What’s been the most important development during your time working in the digital sector? 

I think the rise of social media. Now everyone has a voice and can share their opinions online, which obviously has its good points and bad ones.

Complete this sentence: ‘In another life I’d have been a…’

Something to do with space and physics – I’m a bit of a science nerd, like many people in this industry.

Name one thing you’re not very good out of the office

I could say dancing – although it doesn’t stop me!

Like Steve, I should get more sleep – I’m not great at switching off, whether that’s with work or in my personal life. Once I start something I have to finish it.

What’s the best thing about working at Door4? 

I think the people. It’s a very supportive team.

Occasionally agency life can become a bit of a pressure cooker and it’s great to know that you’ve got people around you that have got your back.

Although I also like the amount of free fruit we get – it used to be cake but the office was starting to look like a bakery, plus most people thought it would be healthier.

How do you see your role developing at Door4 in the future?

I enjoy variation, so I like that every client is interesting in a different way – I’ve learnt lots about sectors I didn’t previously have much experience in. 

And I think because we’re starting to offer an even more comprehensive range of specialist services, our client base is going to become more diverse too.

So I’m looking forward to continuing to learn new things and deliver more for clients, which is ultimately why we all come in each morning. 

If you were given tomorrow off work, what would you do for the day?

I’d probably take it pretty easy and dig into my mountain of unread books.

At Door4, whose job would you be most scared of doing – why?

Any of the Paid Search guys – they’re magicians! 

I know my way round a CMS [content management system] and can make changes to a website but some of the things that go into Paid Search blow my mind – I’m happy I only have to report on it.

Tell us a (clean) joke.

What’s the worst thing about eating a clock?

It’s time consuming.

Photo by William’s mum.
Yes, it’s Comic Sans. Embrace it.

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