  1. Scrapbook
  2. Mug shot: Steve Dixon, web developer
Steve Dixon, web developer. And a llama.

Mug shot: Steve Dixon, web developer

The Door4 Mug Shot interviews – as much as you can find out about us in the time it takes to drink a brew.


Steve Dixon


Web developer

Started at Door4


What do the letters after your name mean?

BA Hons Popular Music and Recording

Want a brew?

Strong tea, two sugars, lots of milk

What do you do at Door4?

Build websites

Now describe your role in three words.

I build websites

What’s been the most important development during your time working in the digital sector?

The smartphone

Complete this sentence: ‘In another life, I’d have been a …’

Railway engineer or record producer

Name one thing you’re not very good at out of the office.

Getting enough sleep

Who’s your professional hero and why?

Steve Jobs – he was the ultimate shepherd of greatness

What makes the perfect Door4 client?

Someone who’ll take onboard what we tell them

What’s the best thing about working at Door4?

I can wear shorts to work

How do you see your role at Door4 developing in the future?

It rather depends on what direction the business decides to go in. Would like to continue being useful

If you were given tomorrow off work, what would you do for the day?

Tomorrow is Saturday, so I’m off anyway. I have a gate to mend. So I will do that

At Door4, whose job would you be most scared of doing – why?

Anyone who does the Googley campaign AdWords things. Because I don’t know anything about it

You’re a keen musician – what would the title of your greatest hits album be?

Steve Dixon’s Greatest Hits, or Any Old Irony, or Tales of the Expected

Tell us a (clean) joke.

Why don’t we all have jet packs by now? Cos they never took off. Actually that’s not really a joke

Image by Steve’s missus. He’s the one on the right.
Yes, it’s Comic Sans. Embrace it.

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