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Door4 Let's Talk with Chloe Sinclair-McQue

Let’s Talk… Sophisticated Tracking with Chloe Sinclair-McQue of Infinity Tracking

“The methods and tools for tracking and attribution have evolved, with more sophisticated models and approaches to measure the impact of various marketing channels and touchpoints.

Today we’re joined by Chloe Sinclair-McQue to chat all things call tracking!

Chloe is an Enterprise Account Executive at who has been helping businesses achieve growth and success for over 7 years. During this time, she has worked with globally recognized brands from various sectors such as luxury fashion, travel, retail, and technology.

In the last 5 years, Chloe has specialized in facilitating digital growth and transformation for businesses. She takes pride in the fact that she has played a key role in helping businesses evolve and adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape.


Hi Chloe – great to have you with us! For those people who don’t yet know your work – can you please give us a rundown of your journey so far?

I started out in recruitment but quickly found my passion for technology, specifically SaaS technologies….. This has taken me on many exciting career adventures through Email, SMS, Omnichannel engagement, user and customer experience, and most recently Conversation Analytics and call tracking!

Infinity’s primary space is tracking and attribution. We are seeing more demand for accurate attribution data from our performance clients. What are you seeing in the market?

We’re most definitely seeing an increased demand for accurate data attribution too…

Our customers place a high premium on understanding how different touchpoints and channels contribute to conversions and other key performance indicators. This demand for accurate attribution data is driven by several factors:

  • Multi-Channel Marketing: Many businesses employ multi-channel marketing strategies using a combination of online and offline channels. It’s important to note that, actually, only 11% of customer journeys can be classed as “online” only. So, accurate attribution enables them to measure the impact of each channel – be that online or offline – on the effectiveness of their overall marketing performance. 
  • Customer Journey Complexity: The customer journey is often complex and nonlinear and, as mentioned above – rarely takes place solely online. Potential customers will interact with a brand through various touchpoints before making a purchase. In B2B for example, it can take up to 13 touchpoints before a lead is sales-ready. As such, accurate attribution is vital to help marketing teams understand which channels, campaigns, and keywords are generating the best results i.e., sales-ready leads. 
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Marketers and businesses are increasingly relying on data-driven decision-making. Accurate attribution data shines a light on what is and isn’t generating the right results, making it easy for marketing teams to understand where more investment should be focused to drive more leads, and where budget can be taken away from the marketing activities that aren’t profitable. 
  • Personalisation: We know customer expectations are constantly on the rise, and around 70% of customers now expect personalised experiences. Accurate attribution data and having full visibility over the entire journey helps in understanding the customer’s behaviour and preferences. Having this intel makes it a ton easier to deliver a better-targeted and more relevant customer experience that guarantees satisfaction.
  • Ad Spend Optimisation: Around 50% of CFOs reduced budgets this year, and 30% of advertisers were also planning on slashing spend. Result? Marketers are still trying to generate the same amount of leads with a much smaller budget. Therefore, knowing which channels and campaigns drive the most conversions is key. When that’s the case, it means businesses can ensure they’re allocating the right amount of budget to the right activities, and taking budget away from those not getting leads in the pipeline.  
  • Performance Metrics: Attribution data provides valuable insights into key performance metrics like return on investment (ROI), cost per acquisition (CPA), and customer lifetime value (CLV). All of these key metrics are going to be scrutinised more and more as purse strings become tighter. So, if marketing teams can’t clearly demonstrate the value of the campaigns they’re running, it’s going to be super tricky for them to justify further investment and secure more budget. 
  • Technological Advancements: The advancement of digital marketing tools and technologies, including sophisticated analytics and attribution modelling, has made it easier to collect and analyse attribution data. Any marketing teams not leveraging these tools and technologies to do the heavy lifting for them, as well as helping them demonstrate the value of their work and the leads they’re generating, risk falling behind in a big way.

It’s likely that the demand for accurate attribution data will continue to grow, especially as digital marketing becomes even more integral to the success and profitability of a business. However, the methods and tools for tracking and attribution have also evolved, with more sophisticated models and approaches to measure the impact of various marketing channels and touchpoints.

Keeping on the theme of rapid changes.. GA4 has been a huge one for us and our clients – how has this shift affected your product, and how it’s used by your clients?

Our development team works closely with Google since we are a certified partner. As a result, we had a smooth integration process with GA4. One of the key benefits of integrating with GA4 is the ability to gain full visibility of the customer’s journey. By connecting GA with a call analytics platform, you can eliminate the data blind spots that customers create when they make a call. GA can only track the digital customer journey, but with our solution, users gain full visibility over the customer journey – both online and offline. The insights you get are as granular as being able to pinpoint the keyword that led to a person picking up the phone.

What are some key highlights and benefits that clients enjoy after implementing Infinity?  (Any surprises or unexpected benefits they didn’t anticipate?)

Essentially, they gain full visibility over the end-to-end customer journey, from first click to picking up the phone and converting from caller to customer. 

Proven results:
One of our clients (Stoneacre Motor Group) switched from another call tracking provider to us just for the GA integrations so they could focus on what’s truly making a difference. By adopting this approach, and using the insights gained, they’ve achieved the following:

  • 21.1% increase in average order value from PPC calls 
  • 3x sales calls from PPC
  • 79% increase in ratio of PPC clicks to calls
  • New ability to pinpoint precise cost-per-sale from digital channels

Going forward, Stoneacre will be working with Infinity to gain a clear view of evolving performance and will be unlocking new ways to optimise the customer experience.

How can you leverage call data to improve lead quality and reduce CPA?

There is a wealth of valuable information hidden in call data that can help marketers better understand customer behaviour.
Call analytics provides insights into the entire customer journey and can even break down how a customer ended up calling, down to the specific keyword they searched for. This bridges the gap between online discovery and offline conversion, which is often a blind spot for marketers.
With this knowledge, marketers can make informed decisions about which campaigns and keywords are driving the best results, prioritize activities that generate high-intent callers, and increase sales. It also becomes easier to identify which activities are not driving results, reduce spending on them, and focus resources on those that generate a return on investment and lower cost per acquisition.

Why is it so crucial to ensure call conversion data is fed into automated bidding tools?

The quality of results you get from paid activities largely depends on the data you feed into your bidding tools. By accessing accurate insights on the campaigns that generate sales, you can optimize your bidding tools to produce high-quality leads. It’s essential to factor in call data when making bidding decisions since only a small percentage of customer journeys are “online only”.

If you want to drive more high-quality leads, you should use call conversion data to fill the pipeline off paid search activities. With the right tools, you can optimize your campaign performance by analyzing data down to the keyword level. Connecting clicks to calls and revenue helps you identify your highest-value customers. Feeding this data into your bidding tools provides Google with specific signals that serve your ads to people most likely to convert. In summary, sharing data on your best customers with Google can help it find more of them.

What tools are available to facilitate this process?

Generating consistent ROAS from your paid search activity is crucial, and having the right tools and support is key to achieving this goal. Call tracking is an excellent solution for call-centric businesses that want to eliminate attribution blind spots and identify the campaigns and keywords that generate the most profitable results. It also provides marketers with valuable data that can be used to optimize paid search campaigns, such as call conversion data.

To take your campaigns to the next level and achieve even better results, it’s a good idea to work with experienced agencies like Door4, who have a wealth of expertise in optimizing paid search activities to ensure you get the best value for your spend!

Amazing to chat with you Chloe and thank you so much for your time!

Connect with Chloe Sinclair-McQue on LinkedIn

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