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  2. ICYMI in June: Paid Media & social roundup

ICYMI in June: Paid Media & social roundup

New this month, in case you missed it.

GOOGLE ADS: Monthly budgets for search network campaigns

Anyone brave enough to test this with automated bidding?

You can now set a monthly budget for search network campaigns. So far, so good.

GOOGLE ADS: Monthly budgets for search network campaigns

GOOGLE ADS: Monthly budgets for search network campaigns

There was a story on Twitter about a campaign overspending to $225,000/day on a $500/day budget due to the client making a goal ‘10 seconds on site’ and the campaign was set to charge per conversion. I think they agreed with Google to only pay $16K… phew.




GOOGLE MY BUSINESS: Follow button for smaller UK brands

At last, this follow button has been rolled out to smaller UK brands for the first time.

I tested out this new function on our client MotorNuts – google them to see the enhancements I have made to their GMB presence. When customers find your business on Google Maps, they can choose to follow it.

GOOGLE MY BUSINESS: Follow button for smaller UK brands

GOOGLE MY BUSINESS: Follow button for smaller UK brands

Followers get notifications when we post about products, events and so on, which show in the For You tab. As a business (or account manager), we receive information about the people who have followed – awesome for persona profiling.




LINKEDIN: trending hashtags

I never add my location as a hashtag, might start today!

Wait, what? Locational trending hashtag notifications? I was initially mystified that LinkedIn was telling me a post was trending – it was three days old and only had 17 likes and 7 comments. Notifying me seemed a bit lame, to be honest.

Trending in Bristol?

Trending in Bristol?

The difference was that this trend seemed to be based on location. Encouraged by the discussions in my LinkedIn community – which is actively worldwide and not exclusive to Burnley, Lancashire, the North West or UK – a challenge was laid down to get Burnley trending.

*EXPERIMENT*: Can all my followers engage with ad (like, share, comment) to see if we can get it trending for Burnley

I used four hashtags: #burnley #linkedin #trending #door4. And, what do you know, we did it!

Trending in #linkedin

Trending in #linkedin

However, all is not what it seemed.

LinkedIn trends

LinkedIn trends


We’ve curated and updated the best snippets. To engage in the debate, see Steven’s profile on LinkedIn.

Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash.

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