ICYMI in July: Paid Media & social roundup
New this month, in case you missed it.
FACEBOOK ADS: *NEW* Facebook Search placement
Will anyone use it?
It’s finally here after months of speculation. It includes Facebook Marketplace as well, so there is some hope this feature will prove to be a winner.
I set up a test campaign last night and there was no section for keywords, so I have no idea how it is supposed to work. Hoping it scans the landing page for keywords. Also, sadly it looks like the video format and canvas/collection is not supported.
Anyway, my ad has just been approved let’s see what the results are like. Getting link clicks for less than 20p at the moment.
Update! Just as this edition of ICYMI ‘went to press’, I saw Marketing Land and Search Engine Journal have both picked up my research and run articles on it, so climb aboard quick – now everyone knows!
GOOGLE ADS: *NEW* ‘View ideas’ on Responsive Ads
This makes ad creation very fast
Just spotted on one account I manage – a view ideas section on Responsive Ads creation. First impressions are that this makes ad creation very fast!
Google’s guidance suggests including text about your products or services, benefits, brand and a robust call to action like BOOK NOW or COMPARE OFFERS or SIGN-UP. You should also include information about inventory, pricing, and promotions and discounts.
FACEBOOK: *New* ’Insert Saved Reply’ feature on UK Inbox
Create saved replies to send common responses more quickly
This does what it says on the tin: save time by issuing a pre-prepared (or canned) response for an anticipated question. Gmail does it,so it makes sense that Facebook Inbox enquiries should too. Could potentially help you race through your service emails.
You can add personalisation, and I do recommend this to increase engagement and sales opportunities. So, you can add (FB First Name, Second Name, Full Name) and pictures to the saved replies.
We’ve curated and updated the best snippets. To engage in the debate, see Steven’s profile on LinkedIn.
Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash.
05.05.2019|I owe everything I know about Paid Search to my mistakes and learning from them. My brightest light bulb moment showed the junior executive version of me that I’d been getting it wrong.
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