  1. Scrapbook
  2. Performance Round-Up – February 2023
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Performance Round-Up – February 2023

Our teams have once again been incredibly busy smashing targets in February! As always in these informal round-ups, we redact our client names – but of course, if you want to discuss these results, we would be happy to give you more information.

Let’s take a closer look at what’s happened at Door4 recently:

Our performance teams have been meeting, and then sailing right past their targets for one of our e-commerce clients this month. Organic traffic is up across their top 5 territories, with the UK being up 48% from this time last year and France being up 41%!
With their SEO efforts, we’ve been chasing the international market leader and are quickly closing in on them, increasing by 5 positions on tracked keywords. Our top keyword zoomed onto page 1, from page 3 (up 27 places!) in just one month.
We’ve been consistently able to drive more traffic, for less budget, and have seen more leads than expected, for cheaper! It doesn’t get better than that. 

One of our long-standing clients had another excellent month, with February being their best month on record for total transactions (Up 18% MoM) and revenue (up 13% MoM) thanks to our dedicated PPC superstars. 

The SEO and Content teams continue to perform, hitting their targets early for one of our e-commerce clients with 13 days of the month left! Organic search for this client has seen a huge 310% YoY increase in sessions and a 270% increase in revenue! A testament to the long-term dedication that we show every single client. 

One of our clients gave us some excellent feedback in our monthly catch-up, their lead quality was UP and they’d been seeing leads come through from the location strategy our team had been working on. It is early days for this project and we’re thrilled to have started to see results so quickly.

Our last tidbit to share is an incredibly heartwarming client quote, a thank-you for Jackie, our Head of Content, who has been working on interviews to create emotional, meaningful content for our nationwide client. Her way with words knows no bounds!

“Thank you, Jackie, you have captured a true and honest representation of us and our story.” 

And that’s a wrap!
Our team continues to achieve great results for every single one of our clients. Congratulations to everyone involved in these outstanding performances!  

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