EGO Power Plus is a high-performance cordless outdoor power equipment brand with a range of battery-powered garden and landscaping tools that Door4 has now worked with for several years. They work with a large network of approved service dealers, spanning the UK (with stores nationwide), and across more than 20 territories around Europe. (Check out one of our original projects with EGO which involved us designing and building a cross-territory website)
EGO Power+
How a custom interactive tool drove engagement and sales across multiple territories
- Web Development
- UX
Client objectives
For this particular project, EGO had a new hero product launching at the start of 2022 that was predicted to become really popular.
EGO wanted to ensure they had the page ready for this product to answer any possible questions a potential customer may have about the product, in particular, the battery requirements. This would not only benefit the customers who would want a quick and easy answer to their requirements, but it would also benefit the EGO dealers when selling to their customers, as well as the customer service team.
Our solution
We created an interactive, easy-to-use battery calculator for different types of customers to find what battery power they’d need for the Z6 mower to suit their specific requirements.
This project required collaboration with the client, and a combination of design, development, content writing expertise and project management from the Door4 team.
We connected this up to Google Maps API so anyone who didn’t have the exact metre-square-age of their lawn could draw the lawn out themselves and have it calculated automatically for them. This meant the customer would be able to buy a battery for their lawnmower which would suit their needs perfectly, meaning they didn’t get more than necessary, or not enough for the space they needed to mow.
We made buttons more user-friendly by allowing the customer to draw out their lawn simply by clicking, and we also enabled a function to allow the user to remove the last markers if they went wrong, rather than start again from scratch.
We used Google Maps for the customers to map out their lawn size themselves, for anyone who wouldn’t know this off the top of their head, this was a really convenient feature for users.
It allows users to search for their lawns using postcodes, meaning they can find their lawns easier.
Client outcomes & beyond
After being informed by the client that this tool was popular and used often by their dealers and customers, we began tracking its use in May 2022.
We saw that 4,719 people across EGO’s top 5 territories used the battery calculator tool in just 6 months.
58% of the calculator users then took a secondary action, “find a stockist” to purchase the product. This was fantastic to see as this was a secondary goal for us, and not the intended use of the tool!
Even after interacting with the tool to calculate the right battery for the user, we allowed the user to change their mind on what they wanted the primary use to be, without going back to the start.
This was done to improve user experience.
The results were clear and led the customer straight to the batteries they’d need to purchase.