Mug Shot – Alex, SEO Lead
Meet Alex, SEO Lead here at Door4! She loved her time with us so much that she recently rejoined the team and we’re thrilled to have her back. Read on to find out a little but more about her…
Name: Alex
Role: SEO Lead
Started at Door4 (the 1st and then the 2nd time!)
January 2022, and then October 2023!
Want a brew? How do you take it?
Coffee just milk in the morning! Then I like a tea with milk towards the afternoon.
What do you do at Door4?
I implement SEO strategies across multiple client accounts.
How do you see your role at Door4 developing in the future?
I’ll let you know…
What’s the best thing about working at Door4?
It’s got to be the people, I can honestly say I didn’t realise how much I’d miss the team when I parted ways the first time around!
Complete this sentence: ‘In another life. I’d have been a …’
A cat! I find cats really intriguing – also they sleep a LOT!
What would the title of your autobiography be?
Life in the fast lane, move over!
If you were given tomorrow off work, what would you do for the day?
Relax, I lead quite a busy life so any opportunity to take a break is very much welcomed!
Name one thing you’re not very good at outside of the office and one thing you ARE very good at?
Remembering dates! Birthdays, appointments, catching up with friends, you name it I always need a reminder! Or even multiple reminders, my calendar notifications are always going off!
As for what I’m good at… Baking! I’d definitely say my baking skills are better than cooking! Chocolate cake for breakfast anyone?!
If you were a famous boxer, what would be your boxing ring walk song?
Another one bites the dust – Queen
At Door4, whose job would you be most scared of doing – why?
Definitely Teresa! All the responsibility of managing the finances is something that scares me.
Tell us a (clean!) joke.
I ordered a chicken and an egg online. I’ll let you know what comes first.
Thanks, Alex!
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